Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Suit Life

Question: Does this suit make me look awesome?
Answer: No, I make this suit look awesome.

You see, confidence can go a long way.  I am not a suit guy, but I don't let that stop me from dressing up for a nice black tie wedding.  I look like I do this all the time, don't I? Fooled Ya!  Like most of mine and Luke's fashion ideas, our style was mostly shaped by Montana culture.  A lot of guys don't wear a suit until their funeral...

Happier/More Depressing Side Note: ties don't go on sale until AFTER father's day...I immediately regret forgetting to grab my tie on the way out the door and having to swing into a Dillard's 30 minutes before the wedding started.  Let's just say I'm not rolling in Ulysses S. Grant's and I had to bid him adieu (thats fancy people talk for goodbye).

Moving to the south has been a culture shock for me.  Everyone owns at least one suit, and most of them didn't get their suits from a thrift-shop!  Now, I have warn a suit/tux on a number of occasions, with most of those times involving breaking it down at high school dances, so I'm not completely ignorant.

Some basic tips for wearing a suit include:
-Wearing shoes that your wife doesn't make fun of (aka the shoes I bought for my Junior prom 11 years ago to go with the suit I bought from the thrift store - see above)
-Matching your belt with your shoes (see Luke's previous post)
-Tuck your shirt in, no matter how unnatural that feels
-Undershirt is optional - I tend to wear the wife-beater, while some prefer the white tee-shirt to hide pit stains, although I've heard it said that "Real Men Don't Wear Undershirts*"
-Take a shower (that has to do with the confidence thing)
-Bring Sexy Back

*If you're looking to kill some time, check out the band I was in, along with Matt, Randy, Josh and a few others at Montana Tech.  Our first album was the aforementioned "Real Men Don't Wear Undershirts".  Our sophomore album was "One bird, two stones...".  No we weren't in a street gang, don't let the picture fool you. (Don't make fun of myspace, it used to be cool) (Luke is the cameraman...makes a guest appearance)

Until next time...

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